LIHEAP Action Toolkit

Resources for LIHEAP Advocates
How LIHEAP Helps

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program


View talking points, fast facts, and policy briefings.


View profiles, dashboards, and papers based on LIHEAP data.


Guides and templates to help you advocate for LIHEAP.


Resources to help advocate for LIHEAP on a local level.

LIHEAP Action Day Documents

LIHEAP Talking Points

*Updated February 2025* Helpful talking points for congressional meetings.

LIHEAP Fast Facts Infographic

*NEW* One sheet with impactful data points about the importance of LIHEAP.

LIHEAP State Sheets

*Updates for 2025 now available* Most recent state-by-state data on LIHEAP eligibility, funding, and usage.

Dear Colleague Letters

Access historic national and state-level LIHEAP data to build instant reports, tables, and charts.

Monthly Policy Briefings

NEUAC offers monthly Policy & Advocacy Briefings exclusively for members. Members can access recordings of past briefings by logging in to the member portal.

Weatherization and LIHEAP

Updated July 2024: Weatherization data and talking points, provided in cooperation with the National Association of State and Community Services Programs (NASCSP).


LIHEAP State Sheets

*Updates for 2025 now available* Most recent state-by-state data on LIHEAP eligibility, funding, and usage.

LIHEAP Data Warehouse

Access historic national and state-level LIHEAP data to build instant reports, tables, and charts.

FY 2024 LIHEAP Data Dashboard

This site provides information and data on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

FY 2023 LIHEAP Data Dashboard

This site provides information and data on the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

FY 2024 LIHEAP Quarterly Reports

Looking for the most recent LIHEAP Data? See the FY24 Quarterly Reports in the LIHEAP Dashboard here.

LIHWAP Data Dashboard

This site provides data for the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).

COVID-19 White Paper

Energy Affordability and COVID-19: Exploring Promising Practices to Address Growing Need

Lessons Learned from COVID Supplemental LIHEAP Funding: A Case Study

The case study by NEUAC and Maizy Lawnicki reveals unique ways supplemental funding was used during the COVID-19 pandemic, and stresses the need for increased funding as programs dwindle post 2022.


Congressional Meeting Request Template

A request letter template you can use in advance of your meeting, after your meeting, or to take with you and leave with your member of Congress or staff. These will serve as reinforcements for our representatives’ continued funding of LIHEAP.
Be sure your contact information is on the letter.

Letter to the Editor Template

Write a letter to the editor in support of energy assistance.

Social Media Kit

*Updated July 2024* Social media assets and guides for LIHEAP Action Month in August.

List of Sources

*Updated July 2024* List of sources referenced in social media posts.

Utility Disconnections Dashboard

Explore interactive data tools on utility disconnections. From the Indiana University Disconnection Dashboard.

Local Resources

Coloring Pages

*Updated July 2024* Place these in your agency lobby and allow children to draw their house and then you can mail them to your policymakers.


*Updated July 2024* Print and personalize a LIHEAP postcard for your lobby and then you can mail them to your policymakers.