2017 Conference Archive

Sunny Solutions to Self-Sufficiency

June 26-28, 2017 | Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Conference Program


Conference Presentations

Opening and Plenary Sessions

Monday Opening General Session

There’s No Place Like Home (no presentation available)

Tuesday Plenary Session

Fundraising: The ABCs of Building Better Boards

Wednesday Plenary Sessions

Focusing on the Unique Issues of Our Low-Income Senior Citizens

1. Seniors Panel – Aging in America Silver Tsunami
2. Seniors Panel – Busada #1
3. Seniors Panel – Busada #2
4. Seniors Panel – Florida FPL and FCOA

Summit: Clean, Affordable Water for All

1. Water Summit A
2. Water Summit B
3. Water Summit C

Track A: Vulnerable Populations: Trends and New Approaches

Day 1

1A: Community Connect: Effective Organizing in Your Communities
2A: Strategies for Dealing with Unique Issues of Domestic Violence
3A: Addressing Cultural Differences in Low-Income Communities

Day 2

4A: Energy Behavioral Engagement
5A: Reaching Our Most Vulnerable Populations: Overcoming Fears
6A: Identifying Effective Electronic Outreach to Low- Income Customers: An Analytic Study

Track B: Energy Efficiency and Renewables

Day 1

1B: Advances in Efficiency and Renewable Energy for Manufactured Housing
2B: Innovative Low Income Energy Efficiency Programs that Deliver #1
2B: Innovative Low Income Energy Efficiency Programs that Deliver #2
3B: Energy Conservation: A Family Affair

Day 2

4B: Weatherization Programs of the DOE
5B: Accounting For Health Impacts #1
5B: Accounting For Health Impacts #2
6B: Innovative Low Income Renewable Energy Efficiency Programs that Deliver

Track C: Energy Policy and Advocacy

Day 1

1C: Dialogue With the Feds
2C: LIHEAP 101 #1
2C: LIHEAP 101 #2
3C: State Level Advocacy: Interaction with PUC’s and Beyond #1
3C: State Level Advocacy: Interaction with PUC’s and Beyond #2
3C: State Level Advocacy: Interaction with PUC’s and Beyond #3

Day 2

4C: Solar Policy – Considerations for Low Income Households #1
4C: Solar Policy – Considerations for Low Income Households #2
4C: Solar Policy – Considerations for Low Income Households #3
5C: Evaluating Low Income Programs: How and Why #1
5C: Evaluating Low Income Programs: How and Why #2
5C: Evaluating Low Income Programs: How and Why #3
6C: Effective Advocacy for LIHEAP & WAP Programming

Track D: Energy Assistance and Education

Day 1

1D: Innovative Partnering in Low Income Customer Assistance Plans
2D: Effective Assurance 16 Outreach #1
2D: Effective Assurance 16 Outreach #2
3D: Integrating Financial Empowerment into Consumer Assistance

Day 2

4D: Addressing Structural Racism in Energy Assistance
5D: Reducing Energy Burden #1
5D: Reducing Energy Burden #2
6D: Putting LIHEAP Performance Measures into Practice

Track E: Fundraising for Energy Assistance Agencies

Day 1

1E: Interactive Fundraising – Build an Ice House and Bring in the Money
2E: Unconventional Fundraising that Brings in the Bucks
3E: Strategic Partnerships that Fund Energy Assistance

Day 2

4E: Is Your Fundraising Adding Up? How Do You Know?
5E: 60+ Great Ideas to Raise More Money!
6E: Need A Million Dollars For Your Energy Fund? Learn How Escheats Can Make That Happen

Track F: Utilities and Regulations

Day 1

1F: Working Toward Safe, Affordable Water Service
2F: Utility Scams: Don’t Let Them Become a Victim
3F: Disasters: Restoration Impact on Low Income Customers

Day 2

4F: Role of the Public Service Commission to Ensure Fairness in Rate Setting for Low Income Customers
5F: Show Me You Care: How Utilities Work With Vulnerable Customers #1
5F: Show Me You Care: How Utilities Work With Vulnerable Customers #2
6F: Customers and Utilities: It’s a Partnership! #1
6F: Customers and Utilities: It’s a Partnership! #2

Track G: Tribal and Other Emerging Energy Issues

Day 1

1G: Developing a Great Energy Workforce
2G: Dialogue with the Feds (Tribal)
3G: Empowering Tribal Communities: Becoming Self-Sufficient

Day 2

4G: ALICE & Capital Good Fund: A Dynamic Partnership
5G: How Deregulation is Impacting Low Income Households #1
5G: How Deregulation is Impacting Low Income Households #2
6G: Bridging the Gap for Consumer Advocacy: Engaging Tribal Nations and Energy Suppliers